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Sedation Dentistry at Puri Dentistry: Combating Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is a common concern that prevents many individuals from seeking the oral care they need. At Puri Dentistry in Oxnard, CA, we recognize this challenge and are dedicated to making dental visits a comfortable, stress-free experience. Our solution? Sedation dentistry. Let's delve deeper into how we are combating dental anxiety and promoting positive dental experiences.

Understanding Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety can stem from various sources—a bad dental experience in the past, fear of pain, the feeling of loss of control, or even just the sound of the dental drill. It can cause people to delay or avoid necessary dental treatments, leading to worsening oral health problems. At Puri Dentistry, we believe that no one should forego dental care because of anxiety.

Our Approach: Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry involves the use of medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. It's often referred to as "sleep dentistry," though this is a misnomer as most patients are awake unless they're under general anesthesia. At Puri Dentistry, we offer different types of sedation to suit different patient needs.

Types of Sedation at Puri Dentistry

  1. Minimal Sedation: Also known as "laughing gas," nitrous oxide combined with oxygen is breathed in through a mask placed over your nose. The gas helps you relax but wears off quickly, allowing you to drive yourself home after the procedure.

  2. Moderate Sedation: We offer oral sedation in the form of a pill taken an hour before your procedure. You'll feel drowsy but remain awake. Some patients even fall asleep but can be easily awakened.

  3. Deep Sedation: Administered intravenously (IV), this form of sedation takes effect more quickly, and the level of sedation can be adjusted during the procedure. You will be conscious but in a state of deep relaxation.

All forms of sedation are safe and administered under the careful supervision of our dental team.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

  1. Overcome Anxiety: Sedation can significantly reduce anxiety, making dental visits a more comfortable experience.

  2. Better Comfort: Sedation often comes with a certain degree of analgesia or pain relief, making procedures more comfortable.

  3. Efficiency: When you're relaxed, your dentist can work more efficiently, often getting more work done in fewer appointments.

  4. Create Positive Experiences: With sedation, dental visits can become positive experiences, helping to eliminate the cycle of dental fear.


At Puri Dentistry, we are committed to delivering excellent dental care in the most comfortable way possible. We understand that dental anxiety is a real and serious issue for many patients, and we're here to help. Our approach to sedation dentistry ensures a comfortable, stress-free experience tailored to your needs. Don't let anxiety stand in the way of your oral health. Contact us today to discuss your options and take the first step towards comfortable, anxiety-free dental care. Your smile is worth it!