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Cosmetic Dentistry

At Puri Dentistry we offer California access to high-quality aesthetic dentistry and cosmetic dentistry procedures, including our popular smile makeover, Invisalign, dental veneers, cosmetic dental bonding, and professional teeth whitening (including teeth whitening for sensitive teeth).

Avoid the long wait times and take a step toward the smile you’ve always wanted by visiting one of our convenient locations, many of which are open 365 days a year and 7 days a week.

Our skilled cosmetic dentists can help you achieve the best teeth whitening and professional cosmetic dental work that meets your needs and aesthetic goals.


Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain is very similar to natural enamel both in the way that it looks and in the way that it feels. When the tongue runs across a porcelain veneer, it should feel the same as a natural tooth. Veneers are custom-made to fit against teeth and gums, which also promote a natural appearance and sensation when speaking, biting or chewing, and also when the mouth is at rest.

What are the disadvantages of veneers?

There are many more advantages to veneers than disadvantages. Veneers can create the smile you’ve always wanted if the current dentition can support them. Important points to remember when deciding on treatment include:

  • Treatment cannot be reversed.
  • Due to enamel reduction, however slight, the tooth will always need to be covered with a veneer or a dental crown.
  • Veneers typically cannot be repaired if they crack or chip.
  • The treated tooth may remain sensitive to hot and cold.
  • Veneer color and tooth color may differ, causing discrepancies between teeth. This can be addressed with teeth whitening.

Do veneers ruin your teeth?

For an optimal fit and bond, it is necessary to remove a small amount of surface enamel from a tooth before placing a porcelain veneer. However, the amount of enamel that is removed is so small that the tooth remains strong and resilient against normal wear and tear.

Can permanent veneers fall off?

A porcelain veneer can fall off. This can happen as a result of:

  • Tooth clenching and grinding.
  • Facial injury in which a strong impact is made to the mouth.
  • Tooth decay at the margin of the veneer.
  • Damage caused by chewing or biting on hard objects such as a pen cap or ice.
  • Frequently eating sticky or chewy candies that are bitten into with front teeth.

Do Veneers protect teeth from cavities?

Veneers are affixed only to the front surface of teeth. The portion of the tooth that is covered is somewhat protected from tooth decay. However, the sides and back of the tooth or teeth are not covered by the veneer so they can still develop cavities. It is important to practice good oral hygiene after porcelain veneer treatment to decrease this risk.

Do Veneers last forever?

Porcelain veneers are typically very durable. These tooth covers withstand normal wear very well. However, they do not last forever. Patients can expect to need veneer replacement 10 to 15 years after the initial procedure. If veneers do not receive excellent daily care, they may need to be replaced in as little as 5 to 7 years.

What can you not eat with veneers?

Although porcelain is strong, it can still be damaged. Patients with porcelain veneers are encouraged to avoid chewing on hard objects such as ice and hard candies. Chewy candies may also be somewhat risky because the chewing motion may cause excessive strain on veneers, posing a risk of popping off. Some studies also suggest that alcohol can degrade the bonding material that holds veneers to teeth. Therefore, it is wise to limit alcohol consumption.

Can I drink coffee with veneers?

One of the advantages of porcelain veneers is that this material is a bit more stain resistant than natural enamel. This is because porcelain is nonporous, so there are no tiny tubules into which debris can settle. Patients may enjoy coffee, tea, red wine, and other foods and beverages that are known to stain teeth. Keep in mind that these substances can stain enamel. If a natural tooth sits next to a tooth that has a veneer, the natural tooth will likely become dull and discolored over time compared to the veneer. Also, frequent consumption of stain-causing substances could cause darkening to develop at the margins of veneers, where porcelain meets enamel. This is a relatively uncommon risk that can be minimized by rinsing the mouth after consuming beverages like coffee and tea.

How long does the pain last after veneers?

Getting dental veneers is not painful. Because the process does involve the slight reduction of enamel, patients may experience mild, temporary tooth sensitivity during their treatment process. Once the veneers have been in place for a few days, this effect should go away.

How long does it take to get veneers?

Dental veneer treatment takes place over a few office visits. The appointment when the veneers are placed on the teeth may be scheduled about two weeks after the appointment in which teeth are prepared and impressions are taken. In some cases, additional adjustments are needed after the final insert. All in all, a person can have a new smile fully intact within a month.


Teeth Whitening

How can I safely whiten my teeth?

The safest way to whiten teeth is to consult with your dentist. Professional teeth whitening contains a sufficient concentration of bleaching agents to lift stains but not so much that teeth can be damaged in the process. However, it is important to apply the whitening gel to teeth and gums that are in good health. By seeing the dentist for a whitening treatment, there is less of a chance of experiencing gum irritation or unnecessary tooth sensitivity.

When should I expect to see results from teeth whitening? 

The protocol that we use for professional teeth whitening is intended to achieve noticeable results within a week. Patients can expect to see a brighter smile after their in-office Zoom treatment, which takes about an hour. The second phase of treatment is conducted daily at home for about a week. By the end of one round of treatment, most people will see a difference of up to 8 shades.

Generally, optimal results can be attained in one to two weeks. However, severe stains may take longer to fully resolve.

Is it bad to whiten your teeth?

The peroxide solutions that are commonly used by dentists to whiten teeth have been extensively studied. Research has confirmed that teeth whitening is not bad for teeth, and the doctors at Puri Dentistry feel that it is a comfortable and easy way to improve one’s smile. No enamel damage occurs from normal teeth whitening. Some people may assume that sensitivity related to this treatment is a sign that it is harming teeth. This is not the case. Temporary sensitivity is normal, and after bleaching treatments, your dentist will provide post-operative instructions to mitigate the symptoms.

How often should I get teeth whitening treatments?

Professional teeth whitening may be touched up every four to six months. Many patients repeat treatments only every year or every few years.

How do dentists perform teeth whitening procedures?

Teeth whitening at Puri Dentistry is conducted as a two-stage process. In each phase, stains are lifted by applying a professional-grade whitening gel to the enamel. This gel seeps into the pores within the outer layer of teeth. The gel breaks apart the tiny particles that have become lodged in these pores. As the particles disintegrate, more light gets reflected, making teeth look brighter.

Are teeth whitening permanent?

Because enamel has pores, just like the skin, the microscopic debris that is deposited onto teeth from foods and beverages will get absorbed. Over time, teeth will become dull and discolored once more. A single teeth whitening treatment does not achieve permanent results. However, you can enjoy a permanently radiant smile by touching up your teeth as needed with a quick in-office or home whitening session.

Why do you whiten your teeth?

There are several reasons why teeth whitening is a beneficial choice. Removing stains to reveal a radiant smile can:

  • Make the face look younger and friendlier.
  • Increase your sense of self-confidence.
  • Make a good professional impression.
  • Increase motivation to practice good oral hygiene every day.

Invisalign® Treatment

What is Invisalign Treatment?

Gaps between the teeth, crooked teeth, and other cosmetic dental imperfections can make you hesitant to show your smile. When severe enough, these issues could also cause problems eating or biting down. For some, correcting these issues with traditional braces does not sound appealing. Invisalign clear aligners, sometimes referred to as “clear braces”, are a popular orthodontic option that gives you the ability to straighten your teeth with less metal than traditional braces require. Invisalign clear retainers can address the following dental concerns:

  • Straighten crooked teeth
  • Remove small gaps between teeth
  • Move bottom teeth forward or backward so they better align with top teeth
  • Correct an overbite or underbite
  • Correct a crossbite or open bite
  • Create more space for overly crowded teeth

Does Invisalign Treatment fix gaps?

Yes. Invisalign clear aligners can fix gaps between the teeth and other cosmetic imperfections in the smile. However, if you have very large gaps, you may need a different kind of orthodontic treatment. The best way to find out whether you’re a good candidate for Invisalign treatment is to visit one of our office locations for an in-office Invisalign consultation. There, we can determine whether Invisalign treatment is right for you, which Invisalign treatment would serve you best, what your Invisalign goals are, and the exact timeframe it will take you to reach your perfect smile.

How long does it take to get straight teeth with Invisalign Clear Aligners?

For most Invisalign patients, teeth straightening can be completed in about 1 year. However, this can vary widely from person to person. If you are looking to correct a minor cosmetic concern, your Invisalign treatment might be completed more quickly. For some, another treatment called Invisalign Express might be an option. Speak with your dentist for a more accurate time frame to expect. We can look more closely at your teeth during a short visit to one of our locations and give you specific orthodontic recommendations and more information about Invisalign treatment with your unique smile and cosmetic goals in mind.

Can I speed up my Invisalign treatment?

An alternative to traditional Invisalign clear aligners, called Invisalign Express, is also available for those who only require minor changes to their smile. People who qualify for Invisalign express usually require a small amount of movement (1-3 teeth). Sometimes, people who recently had traditional braces or traditional Invisalign retainers will experience tooth shifting after braces are removed. These people may also be good candidates for Invisalign express because they require only minor alterations to the placement of their teeth.

How Painful is Invisalign Treatment?

Unfortunately, like traditional braces, Invisalign aligners do cause some tenderness and soreness in your mouth. This is because you are moving the teeth around from their original positions. Most people feel that the pain associated with Invisalign clear aligners is the worst when changing to a new retainer, as it will feel tight for the first few days. After your teeth have adjusted some, the discomfort should subside significantly. If you are worried about Invisalign teeth pain and want to learn more about the benefits and potential pain they could cause you, reach out to one of our knowledgable staff members.

How often should you clean your Invisalign Aligners?

When using Invisalign aligners, it’s recommended that you brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss them at least once daily. Make sure to also properly clean your aligners every time you remove them from your mouth. It’s a great practice to clean the aligners each time you are brushing your teeth and rinse the aligners with water each time you remove them from your mouth. If you forget to clean your aligners, you could end up with foggy or dirty-looking teeth–not to mention bad breath–no matter how well you are brushing your teeth, flossing, and using mouthwash.


Smile Makeover

What Is A Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover is a treatment process that may also be referred to as full-mouth reconstruction. This is a custom-designed treatment program that revolves around the functional and cosmetic needs of the individual. The purpose of a smile makeover is to address multiple concerns on a streamlined schedule. Some treatments may be combined in a single visit, while other processes may take multiple visits to complete.

What Is Smile Correction?

Several improvements can be made with a smile makeover customized to specific needs. At the onset of care, we discuss with each patient what they like and dislike about their smile. For some, they feel like their teeth don’t show enough. For others, it could be persistent stains that degrade their smile. Just as every person is unique, so is their smile. As every smile is unique, so is the smile makeover process.

What Concerns Can A Smile Makeover Address?

A smile makeover at Puri Dentistry can address a variety of problems, including:

  • Tooth color – Teeth whitening treatment is often the first stage of making over the smile. Many dentists begin with teeth whitening because this simple treatment elevates teeth to their ideal shade. From here, additional restorations, such as porcelain veneers, can be color-matched. Teeth whitening is suitable for extrinsic stains that are within the outer layer of enamel. Intrinsic stains, those caused by tetracycline or other factors, sit within the tooth and will not lift with standard whitening treatment. In these instances, porcelain veneers may be the ideal option for bringing new brightness to the smile.
  • Spacing and alignment – Even minor alignment issues can diminish the power of an attractive smile. Teeth straightening can be extensive, using braces, or it can be cosmetic only, using Invisalign. In some instances, minor misalignment such as a turned tooth or too much space between two teeth can be disguised with porcelain veneers.
  • Missing teeth – Tooth replacement is categorized as restorative dentistry, not cosmetic dentistry. We need a full set of teeth to chew well and even to speak well. Of course, a large gap that is visible in the smile can be a serious cosmetic problem. Teeth can be replaced in a few different ways, including a dental bridge or dental implant with a crown.
  • Smile symmetry – An attractive face is one on which balance exists between facial features. The smile is a micro-aspect of this. Teeth should be proportional to one another, to the gums, and the lips, for the smile to be at its best. To perfect the symmetry of the smile, we may perform dental bonding or porcelain veneers to teeth that appear too long, too short, or too narrow.

Why Do People’s Gums Show When They Smile?

A “gummy smile” is a common problem characterized by more gums in the smile than teeth. This could result from one or more factors, including the size and shape of teeth, the amount of gum tissue in proportion to the size of teeth, and also the position of the upper lip.

Cost Of A Smile Makeover

The cost of a smile makeover varies from one case to another. This is based on the number of procedures that are planned and the extent of correction a person chooses to undergo. Costs are related to treatments, materials, and office fees. In some instances, insurance may provide some amount of coverage for treatments that are functionally necessary, such as a dental crown to repair a damaged tooth. To assist with the cost of a full smile makeover, some patients utilize financing programs such as Care Credit.

How Can I Make My Smile Bigger?

If the smile looks small due to the size of teeth, it may be possible to correct this problem with porcelain veneers. These lifelike sheaths of dental porcelain can be affixed to certain teeth in the smile to make them appear longer or wider.

A smile makeover begins with a comprehensive consultation and exam. The dentist observes the characteristics of teeth and gums and how they relate to the lips and surrounding features. This initial step paves the way for a smile that enhances the overall symmetry and attractiveness of the face.

It is difficult to sum up the value of personal confidence. If your smile has been less than ideal for your preference; if your smile hasn’t added to the balance and harmony of your face, you may be thrilled with a smile makeover.

When people do not feel good about their smile, they do not feel confident smiling, laughing, or even speaking to others. Covering the smile is something that many people do without even realizing it. Contrast the lack of confidence and feelings of dissatisfaction that results from discolored teeth, short teeth, or an otherwise imperfect smile with the feelings that would come from having straight, radiantly white teeth. The last thing you’d want to do is hide a smile that you love.


Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding: A Simple Way to Achieve a Dramatic Enhancement

Dental bonding performed at Puri Dentistry is a fast, simple, and effective way to conceal minor cosmetic imperfections in your smile. Our dentists can apply a composite tooth-colored resin to cover small chips and cracks, close wide gaps, and give teeth a more uniform shape or size. The resin is specially selected to match the shade of your teeth for results that look absolutely natural. If small imperfections are causing you to feel self-conscious about the appearance of your smile, the dentists at Puri Dentistry are prepared to help you. Please contact any of our conveniently located offices to make an appointment with one of our doctors.

What is dental bonding?

Dental bonding — also referred to as teeth bonding and cosmetic bonding— is an affordable alternative to veneers. Teeth bonding involves the use of a composite resin that is color-matched to the shade of your natural teeth. It can be applied to conceal chips, cracks, discoloration, or cosmetic concerns related to the size or shape of the teeth. The entire procedure can be performed in just one appointment.

Why is dental bonding used?

Bonding teeth can conceal a number of minor dental imperfections, including:

  • Chipped teeth:

    The resin can replace small portions of a tooth that have broken away.

  • Tooth discoloration:

    For stubborn or intrinsic stains that do not respond to teeth whitening treatments, dental bonding can give teeth a color that matches surrounding teeth.

  • Uneven teeth:

    Our dentist can apply resin to teeth that appear abnormally small in order to create an appearance of symmetry in your smile.

  • Minor misalignment:

    By applying a small amount of resin to the sides of teeth, our dentist can create the appearance of a straighter smile.

  • Gaps in teeth:

    Dental bonding can close large gaps between teeth for a uniform, symmetrical appearance.

  • Damaged teeth:

    Following treatment for trauma or decay, we can use tooth-colored resin to repair and strengthen the structure of the tooth, while achieving a natural appearance.

How is Teeth Bonding Performed at Puri Dentistry?

The cosmetic bonding procedure begins with a thorough examination to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy. As with any cosmetic dentistry procedure, bonding requires a healthy smile foundation, so your doctor will have to treat any instances of periodontal disease or tooth decay before moving ahead with treatment.

To begin your treatment, our dentist will match the shade of the bonding material to that of your teeth. Next, the dentist will place clear strips on either side of the teeth being treated to prevent the bonding solution from contacting the adjacent teeth.

Our dentist will then begin to apply an etching solution that creates tiny fissures on the surface of the tooth. This allows the resin to achieve a strong bond. Next, your doctor will apply the resin to your tooth to achieve the desired effect. Once in place, the resin is hardened with a curing light. Finally, the dentist will polish and trim the resin to create a smooth, natural-looking surface.

Cost Of A Smile Makeover

The cost of a smile makeover varies from one case to another. This is based on the number of procedures that are planned and the extent of correction a person chooses to undergo. Costs are related to treatments, materials, and office fees. In some instances, insurance may provide some amount of coverage for treatments that are functionally necessary, such as a dental crown to repair a damaged tooth. To assist with the cost of a full smile makeover, some patients utilize financing programs such as Care Credit.

What is the difference between dental bonding and porcelain veneers?

In some cases, teeth bonding can be a viable alternative to porcelain veneers. Bonding is less costly and can typically be performed in a single visit. However, depending on your goals and the state of your teeth, veneers may be a better option. During a consultation, our dentists will answer your questions and help you make an informed decision about which treatment is best for you.