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Restorative Dentistry

At Puri Dentistry, we are committed to providing our patients with high-quality restorative dental care paired with convenience so you can return to your daily life wearing your best smile. Our dentists focus on dental implant surgery, porcelain crowns, tooth caps, and many other restorative dental treatments for our California patients.

Many of our office locations span California, are conveniently open seven days a week, and accept walk-in appointments for a vast range of dental restoration services.

Our experienced restorative dentistry specialists and oral surgeons offer numerous dental repair procedures, including dental implants, surgery, dental crowns, tooth caps, dental bridges, dentures, and orthodontic services. Whether you need temporary crowns, same-day dentures, or full-mouth dental implants, our California dental offices can offer support that fits your needs and schedule.


Dental Implants

At Puri Dentistry, we offer all of the procedures needed for dental implants to help our patients restore their smiles and jaw function. Dental implant treatment can provide a lasting solution that won't cause bone loss in your jaw.

Dental implants are the best option for replacing missing teeth because they are permanent solutions. Dental implants are solid and long-lasting and can improve your overall dental health and the look of your smile.

What are dental implants (tooth implants)?

Dental implants may be used to replace one or more missing teeth. Most dental implants consist of titanium implants that look like small screws. This helps secure your teeth and ensure the false teeth remain in place long-term. The posts are placed in your jawbone and should not move or wiggle. Then, your dentist will slide the false tooth over the top of the titanium post. In cases where a patient is missing several teeth, fewer posts may be used, and a row of false teeth can slide over one post to resemble your natural row of teeth.

Reasons for Dental Implants

You might be a good candidate for dental implants if you suffer from any of the following issues:

  • Missing teeth

  • Have dentures or bridges but need a permanent restoration

Ideal candidates for Dental Implants

Additionally, good candidates for dental implants do not smoke and have the following:

  • Enough tissue in your jawbone to support dental implants

  • No signs of cavities, oral health conditions, or gum disease

The dental implant procedure

Before Your Dental Implant Surgery

Before you schedule the procedure, meet with a knowledgeable dentist at Puri Dentistry to evaluate your natural teeth and oral health. We'll let you know whether you are an excellent dental restoration candidate and review any of your questions or concerns. In addition, we'll discuss your specific expectations and personal treatment goals before oral implant surgery. Sometimes, you may require bone grafting or other preparation before the procedure.

During Your Dental Implant Surgery

Our implants will be carefully inserted into the jawbone using small incisions during the dental implant procedure at one of our Puri Dentistry locations. The implant process may also include an additive to facilitate bone growth and healing. When the system is complete, you'll wait several months before the final restorations are placed.

After Your Dental Implant Surgery

Once your teeth implant process is complete, you will continue to notice healing and improvements over several months. A process called osseointegration occurs, during which the false implants will fuse to your natural jawbone and become more stable. At that point, the last portion of your restorations can be placed, and you'll see the final results of your new smile.


Dental Crowns

Restore a Damaged Smile with Dental Crowns

As we age, so do our teeth. Problems like decay, cracks, and discoloration may begin to affect your smile and oral health. Your smile may not be what it once was. Crowns, sometimes called tooth caps, are one solution that can help you regain your youthful smile.

If a tooth is decayed or cracked, we suggest a crown to protect the damaged teeth from additional, more expensive problems. Sometimes a filling or bonding is just not enough to restore your smile the way a dental crown can.

What is a dental crown?

Dental crowns are prosthetic teeth custom-designed to blend perfectly with your natural smile. A crown can be used to fill gaps in your smile or to encase and protect a tooth that has been damaged by injury or decay. Our high-quality dental laboratories can craft your crown from aesthetically pleasing materials like zirconia or porcelain.

Is there a difference between a cap and a crown?

The terms "cap" and "crown" mean the same thing. Crowns were once commonly referred to as caps because this is what they did; they capped a natural tooth that had been damaged.

Do crowns look like natural teeth?

Crowns are made using a model of the tooth that is being covered. The final restoration will look just like the natural tooth before being reduced. The chewing surface of the crown will also fit well against the opposing tooth so that no unnecessary stress is placed on the teeth or the jaw when chewing.

What is the best dental crown material?

There is no singular material that is best for dental crowns. This varies based on the unique aspects of each case. Some may prefer all-porcelain crowns for front teeth because these restorations most closely resemble enamel. For back teeth, some may choose porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns or even gold crowns, which are durable and hardly visible when placed at the back of the mouth. Could you ask your dentist to discuss several options, includingg the pros and cons of each?

What do dental crowns involve?

Step 1:

First, you will be given a local anesthetic so you will not feel discomfort. Then the tooth will be reshaped. The tooth's enamel will be prepped to ensure a proper fit when the permanent crown is seated over the tooth.

Step 2:

After the tooth has been properly shaped, we will take a mold of the tooth we are treating and the surrounding teeth. This mold guides the dental lab to create your new crown, guaranteeing a perfect, natural fit. Because this is a personalized, original crown made especially for you, some specific details and processes require about two weeks. Before leaving, our dentists will fit you with a temporary crown that will protect your tooth until the permanent crown is finished.

Step 3:

For the permanent placement of your crown, you will be given a local anesthetic to numb the area and reduce discomfort. We will then place the tooth with cement. And when you look in the mirror, you'll see a beautifully restored, natural-looking tooth.

Is it painful to have a crown put on your tooth?

Dental crown treatment is performed with local anesthesia. Before reducing the affected tooth, the dentist administers a medication into the gums around that tooth. This desensitizes nerve endings so they cannot feel pain.

Are dental crowns permanent?

Dental crowns are not permanent restorations. Like natural teeth, they are affected by wear and tear.

How long do dental crowns last?

A dental crown can last up to 15 or as few as five years. The lifespan of a crown is determined by daily habits, eating foods, general wear and tear, and oral care.

Can a permanent crown be removed and put back?

Crowns may eventually need to be removed and replaced as daily stress wears them down. Usually, crowns are not reused because they do not provide the durability necessary for biting and chewing. Sometimes, such as a crown falling off, a dentist may reuse the same restoration. This choice is carefully made after thoroughly evaluating the height and examining the tooth.

What do you do when a crown falls off?

If a crown falls off, it is necessary to protect the tooth. If left untouched, the exposed tooth may collect food debris and bacteria. Because the tooth has already been damaged, this exposure can quickly lead to further injury. Regardless of the tooth's condition under the crown, prompt care is needed to avoid a potentially difficult and uncomfortable situation.
Steps to take if a crown has fallen off:

  • Could you remove the crown if it is loose? Do not attempt to set it back into place right away. Could you keep the height in a safe place?

  • Could you contact the dentist? Puri Dentistry offers same-day appointments and has appointments on nights and weekends to handle situations such as loose or failed crowns.

  • If a dental appointment is not immediately available, putting the crown back over the tooth may be necessary for a short time. This is a temporary solution that should only be used when necessary. Before setting the height, please clean the inside area carefully. A temporary adhesive may be purchased from a pharmacy to hold the crown in place until you can see the dentist, which should be no longer than a day or two.

  • Keep the area clean while you wait for your appointment. Brush gently to keep debris from accumulating. Rinse the mouth after eating.

  • If the tooth is sensitive or painful, take an over-the-counter pain reliever as directed. Warm salt water may be rinsed through the mouth to reduce inflammation.

  • Avoid foods that may damage the tooth or cause sensitivity. Examples include sugary foods and beverages, hard or chewy foods, and hot or cold items.

What can you not eat with a crown?

There are very few dietary restrictions for people with dental crowns. It is essential to remember that certain foods are harder on these restorations and could cause breaks or other damage. Consider avoiding or limiting the following:

  • Crunchy, hard foods like pretzels, popcorn, and nuts.
  • Sticky, chewy foods like caramel. Chewy foods may cause the crown to dislodge or fall off.
  • Ice is complex and can cause the crown to break.

Dental Bridges

What is a dental bridge?

Dental bridges are designed to restore health, function, and aesthetics for one or more consecutive missing teeth. A bridge is a prosthetic tooth attached to dental crowns anchored in place by the surrounding teeth or connected to dental implants. Our offices use top-rated dental laboratories to create these prosthetics with the skill and care your smile deserves.

What is the difference between bridges and dental implants?

A dental bridge uses two dental crowns to support a false tooth or multiple teeth between the crowns. The false tooth/teeth supported by the peaks are not connected to the gums below. On the other hand, a dental implant is secured into the gums and replaces the tooth's root in addition to the visible portion of the tooth.

Bridges are a good choice for dental repair. However, you may want to consider a dental implant. Speak with one of our knowledgeable staff members at Dental365 to determine the best solution for you.

What are the benefits of having dental bridges at Puri Dentistry?

Dental bridges are an excellent choice to replace missing teeth. A bridge made from gold, metals, porcelain, or alloys is created using your existing teeth, spanning the missing tooth area. Bridges are strong and durable, improving your smile's look and boosting your confidence.

Choosing to get a dental bridge can provide you with the following benefits:

  • Improves the look and feel of teeth
  • Replaces damaged or missing teeth
  • Simple procedure with little recovery time
  • Restores confidence

What does the dental bridge procedure involve?

The tooth bridge procedure is a simple in-office procedure that our expert dentists perform at Dental365. The process is broken into a few steps, listed below:

Step 1:

A bridge begins by altering your existing teeth into an abutment, or the porcelain bridge's base, where it securely attaches. Once the abutments are created, a mold is removed from the area and sent to a dental lab. This mold is used to create a properly-fitting and natural-feeling dental bridge.

Step 2:

While waiting for the lab to complete your dental bridge, we are happy to fit you with a temporary bridge, which is designed to protect your gum area and will be and temporarily conceal your missing tooth.

Step 3:

At a follow-up visit, the bridge is placed on the abutments, and an adhesive is used to set the bridge in place permanently.


After your bridge is in place, limiting your diet to softer foods for a few days is essential. Once a few days have passed, you are free to eat anything you desire without worrying about the bridge, which will stay firmly in place. Although getting used to your new bridge may take a while, it should feel like having your teeth back again after a few days.


Dentures & Partial Dentures

Dentures Restore Function & Beauty to Your Smile

Puri Dentistry offers a full spectrum of restorative treatments, including full-arch dentures. Dentures are an excellent option for patients who miss most or all teeth on their upper or lower arches. After carefully evaluating your smile, we will design a healthy plan that complements your unique treatment goals, lifestyle, and budget. We use only the highest-quality materials to create our traditional and implant-supported dentures. We can also reline and repair your current dentures. 

What Kinds of Dentures Are Offered at Puri Dentistry?

At Puri Dentistry, we offer a variety of denture services to meet your personal needs, including:

Full Arch Traditional Dentures

Traditional dentures rest comfortably on your gums and are removed at night for cleaning. Each morning, you will apply a specialized adhesive paste to your dentures to hold them in place throughout the day. Traditional dentures are a good option for patients who have strict budgetary restrictions or those who cannot receive dental implants.

Partial Traditional Dental Restorations

In addition to full-arch traditional dentures, we offer partial denture restorations. Conventional partial dentures are supported on either side by specialized dental crowns. Partial dentures snap into these fixtures. They may be removable or cemented in place by your dentist for all-day, all-night wear.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures offer unparalleled stability and are secured by small titanium posts surgically placed within your jawbone. If you do not already have dental implants, we can create an individually tailored treatment plan and recommend a local surgeon. The entire process will be precisely planned to ensure an optimal fit and long-lasting security for your denture. Once you have fully healed, you can return to our office so we can restore your implants.

There are two types of denture implants. A fixed denture is a permanent denture securely attached to the top of your implants, where it will stay in place day and night. You can clean your fixed implant-supported denture by brushing and rinsing with mouthwash. Your dentist can remove your fixed denture in our office to clean your gums, implants, and dentures during regular examinations. A removable implant-supported denture snaps into place but can be removed daily for more intensive cleaning.

What Does Getting Dentures Involve?

Before you can receive any denture, it is essential that your oral health is in good condition and that your smile is free from decay or disease. If you have natural teeth still in place that are damaged or decayed, we can quickly and painlessly extract them. If you suffer from gum disease, we will provide the necessary treatment before you can receive a denture. If you choose to receive an implant-supported denture and do not already have dental implants in place, you will first need to undergo a minor surgical procedure.

Once any preparatory procedures are complete (and healing, in the case of implant-supported dentures), we will take detailed impressions and x-rays of your mouth and jaw. These images, along with detailed notes on the aesthetics of your denture, will be used by technicians to create your prosthesis in our laboratory.

Can I Get Tooth Extractions and Dentures on the Same Day?

Yes, it is possible to have dentures seated the same day that teeth are removed. When same-day dentures are selected, a few appointments may be scheduled before extraction to plan for the temporary denture. These visits will involve measuring the arches, teeth, and other structures to guide denture fabrication. After the appointment, when teeth are removed, and dentures are seated, additional visits will be needed to adjust the temporary denture periodically. Without these adjustments, the denture may cause persistent sore spots. As the gum and bony ridge shape changes, the denture will only fit the same with adjustments. After the bone and gum tissue has fully healed, a final denture can be designed.

How to Do You Get Used to Wearing Dentures?

Several strategies can be used as you get accustomed to new dentures. These include:

  • Wear dentures all day.
  • Practice eating, starting with soft foods and gradually increasing to denser foods.
  • Practice new muscle movements by reading aloud. This will help with talking.
  • Clean dentures daily so they do not develop a foul odor.
  • Remove dentures at night to give your mouth a rest.

How Do You Stop Gagging When Wearing Dentures?

Some people struggle with a gagging sensation after they get new dentures. Over time the gag reflex may ease as dentures become more familiar. A denture adhesive may help hold dentures in place better to minimize nerve stimulation. One of the best ways to eliminate or prevent gagging is to talk to your dentist about implant-supported dentures. When the upper denture is secured onto a few dental implants, there is no need to cover the roof of the mouth. The upper denture can be made into a horseshoe shape that follows the arch's curve.

What Causes Gagging with Dentures?

This often relates to the stimulation of the glossopharyngeal nerve from the upper denture sitting over the roof of the mouth. Sometimes gagging indicates that the denture may be too large for the mouth or that denture adhesive is collecting in one part of the roof of the mouth. Your dentist can help you determine the cause of gagging with dentures and assist in ending this problem.

Is It Ok to Sleep with Dentures In?

The only time dentists may advise sleeping with dentures is when a new denture has been seated. At that, this recommendation tends to be limited to one or two days. Generally, dentures should be removed at night. This facilitates adequate cleaning and soaking to care for the denture and allows muscles in the mouth and jaw to rest.

What Foods Can You Not Eat with Dentures?

Dentures are made to withstand normal biting and chewing. However, certain foods present a risk of damage. These include:

  • Hard candies and ice.
  • Crunchy foods like popcorn and nuts.
  • Dense foods like steak (cut into small pieces, steak is acceptable).
  • Chewy candies and gum.

How Much Does It Cost to Get All Your Teeth Pulled And Get Dentures?

Numerous factors dictate the cost of dental treatments, like same-day dentures. These include the dentist's fees (which may reflect training and experience or insurance participation), sedation fees, if applicable, prescription medication, if needed, and the materials used to replace teeth. During your consultation, the details of tooth replacement are discussed at length, including cost estimates.

Are New Dentures Painful?

New dentures aren't so much painful as they can be uncomfortable. At first, the new teeth may feel bulky and strange. When dentures fit well against the gums, they should not rub or slip out of place, though they can feel relatively unstable simply because they are new. If sore spots or blisters develop, this may indicate that the dentures need to be adjusted.

How Long Will New Dentures Hurt?

New dentures can be uncomfortable for the first few weeks. This is because the bone of the jaw and the gums are changing. Soon after tooth extraction, bone loss is common. The shrinkage of the jawbone affects how well dentures fit. For this reason, it is essential to contact the dentist anytime sore spots develop. Making necessary adjustments to dentures can minimize discomfort during the transition phase.


Full Mouth Reconstruction

What is a full mouth reconstruction?

Full mouth reconstruction is the term that describes the process of rebuilding the smile. This is different from a smile makeover, as reconstruction often involves restoring or replacing teeth that are malformed or have been severely damaged. Reconstruction aims to improve appearance, chewing and biting function, and physical comfort.

How long does full mouth reconstruction take?

Every situation is unique. At the onset of care, we conduct a comprehensive consultation and examination. This enables us to understand the scope of care that is needed. A few factors determine the timeline for full mouth reconstruction. One is the various procedures required to restore teeth' function and appearance. Another important determining factor is patient preference. The process can take from several months to two years.

What is full mouth debridement?

Ideally, dental cleanings are performed every six months as an aspect of preventive dental care. When cleanings are not performed regularly, plaque and tartar can build up on teeth. In total mouth reconstruction cases, it is sometimes necessary to remove excessive amounts of plaque and tartar before a complete and successful dental exam can be performed. This removal is called debridement.

Can all teeth be replaced with dental implants?

When full-mouth tooth replacement is necessary, patients have options besides getting a full mouth of dental implants. Dentists recommend an implant-supported bridge or denture to replace full upper and lower arches. This treatment option restores the smile's appearance and, with as little as four dental implants per arch, also restores stability for biting and chewing. This is a cost-effective treatment option that increases results.

What are the pros and cons of dental implants?

Dental implants are a preferred method of tooth replacement because there are far more advantages than disadvantages. From a clinical standpoint, dental implants play an essential role in oral health by replacing missing roots. The small titanium posts inserted into the jaw provide excellent stability for replacement teeth, whether a crown, bridge, or denture. While this method of tooth replacement involves higher up-front costs, the lifespan of dental implants makes up for it.

How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants can have a lifespan of 25 years or longer. For many patients, the treatment never needs to be repeated. Whether implants last this long is dependent on a few factors. These include:

  • Consistent daily oral care. Dental implants, like natural roots, rely on healthy gums for long-term stability. To maintain gum health, brushing daily and flossing if natural teeth remain are necessary. Brushing or cleaning is vital even if an implant-supported denture has replaced all-natural teeth.
  • General health. Some health conditions, such as diabetes, increase systemic inflammation and susceptibility to infection. Therefore, such conditions could affect the viability of dental implants.
  • Lifestyle habits. There are very few foods that patients are advised to avoid when they have dental implants. In general, hard foods like ice and popcorn could degrade the foundation of dental implants and damage restorations like crowns, bridges, or dentures.

How much does it cost for full mouth reconstruction?

The cost of full mouth reconstruction varies from one person to another. We determine prices based on the treatments needed to repair or replace teeth. Additional charges may include medication fees and sedation services. Before commencing with a treatment plan, we discuss the care details and the costs associated with each phase.

Are antibiotics necessary after dental implant surgery?

Antibiotics used to be commonly prescribed as a form of prophylaxis for dental implant treatment. This is no longer the case. Dentists now limit this step to patients at a higher risk for complications following their implant procedure. At-risk patients include smokers, people with diabetes, and individuals with a compromised immune system. It is essential to openly discuss lifestyle and health history during your consultation so your dentist can take appropriate measures through which treatment risks are decreased.



Orthodontics: Straighten Up and Shine

A beautiful smile is a valuable asset, and straight, evenly-spaced teeth are a vital component. Few of us can attribute a symmetrical smile to good genetic fortune, and many achieve this goal with the help of orthodontics. For patients in the Southern California area, the specialists at Puri Dentistry provide effective orthodontia, offering a variety of traditional and aesthetic options for adults and kids.

With multiple locations in the Southern California area, Puri Dentistry emphasizes affordability and convenience for cosmetic and restorative dental care. Our experienced orthodontists utilize the latest techniques, including Invisalign® and porcelain braces, with appointments available 365 days a year. To schedule your appointment, contact us today.

What orthodontics options are available at Puri Dentistry?

Puri Dentistry offers patients a choice of the most effective teeth straightening options available today. Modern parents understand the importance of helping children put their best smile forward, and with today's discreet, invisible braces, more adults than ever are investing in straighter teeth. Sometimes, our orthodontists treat the entire family, offering convenient appointments to accommodate everyone's complicated schedule.

From removable, invisible aligners to creative bands for kids and teens, we have braces and alternatives to suit every patient. In addition to traditional metal braces, some of our more popular orthodontic options include:


Nobody needs to know you are straightening your teeth when you choose this nearly invisible method. Clear, plastic aligners work to bring teeth into their optimal position gradually and are easily removable for cleaning and eating. This straightening method is very popular with adults and teenagers but only suitable for some cases. Our orthodontists can help you determine if this technique is proper for you.

Aesthetic Porcelain Braces

Also known as ceramic or tooth-colored braces, these are similar to traditional metal braces but offer more pleasing aesthetics. The bands are clear, so they blend in with your teeth and are less conspicuous than metal braces. The archwire also blends with your teeth; the overall look resembles a retainer's. Porcelain braces can be used for all levels of misalignment but will usually take a little longer to straighten your teeth than metal braces.


Kids and teens have fun with these special braces, and there is a wide selection of designs, from diamonds to footballs. These metal braces can treat any orthodontia case and offer the same transformative results as traditional braces. Young patients enjoy making a fashion statement with WildSmiles® shapes, which can be mixed and matched for creative self-expression.

What makes Puri Dentistry the best place to go for orthodontics?

Very few dental offices remain open seven days a week and 365 days a year, but at Puri Dentistry, patient convenience is our commitment. Please consider our full-service practice your family's dental home for years to come.

Puri Dentistry offices are inviting spaces with the most modern tools, technology, and amenities. Treatment rooms include streaming televisions and music, a perk that patients of all ages can enjoy. Financing options, including CareCredit℠ and our in-house plan for patients without dental insurance, are readily available.


Denture Repair

Can I get my teeth pulled and dentures on the same day?

Same-day dentures are one of several options for people needing complete tooth replacement. The claimed benefit of same-day tooth replacement is that new teeth support the lips and cheek and provide a temporary aesthetic solution. This treatment does take several visits. Some occur before dentures are seated, and some are scheduled after dentures are situated. The initial visits for same-day dentures involve measurements and impressions to prepare the denture placed over the area where teeth are extracted. The secondary holidays involve adjusting the denture as the gums and bone heal. Because the arch changes shape over time, a final denture is not typically seated until several months after the same-day denture appointment.

How long does it take to repair a broken denture?

Denture repair often requires patients to send their devices to a dental lab. Here, technicians have special denture adhesives, acrylics, and professional-grade artificial teeth to repair the various aspects of dentures as needed. Lab technicians have special training that enables them to make custom impressions and detailed repairs as quickly as possible.

Can dental partials be repaired?

Partial dentures may crack or break due to wear and tear, being dropped, or other factors. Sometimes the metal clasps on a partial denture need to be repaired. In most cases, the device can be promptly repaired rather than replaced.

What to do after getting immediate dentures?

Patients who undergo immediate denture treatment can expect to receive detailed post-op instructions to facilitate the healing of the gums. Patients will receive detailed post-operation instructions following surgery.

How long does it take for gums to heal after teeth are pulled?

Every patient is different, and pre-existing medical conditions can influence their ability to heal or tolerate post-operative discomfort; however, the gums heal relatively quickly after tooth extraction, even when multiple teeth are removed. Swelling is to be expected. The jaw may feel somewhat stiff for a few days. In some cases, mild swelling can be noticed on the face. Cold compresses can help with this.

How long will new dentures hurt?

Dentures are made from a mold, or model, of the mouth. As accurate as this model may be, it does not account for how bone and soft tissue will remodel themselves through the healing process. Once a denture is seated, one may quickly learn where their gums cannot tolerate pressure. Sore spots will develop over a 1 to 2-week period after new dentures are placed but may continue to appear longer. The discomfort of new dentures is normal. It indicates where adjustments need to be made so the denture fits as well as it can. Patients are encouraged to contact their dentist if soreness or blisters develop on the gums.

Can you sleep with dentures in your mouth?

Sleeping with dentures in the mouth is possible, though this is not recommended. Whether a full or partial denture, the device places pressure on the gums and jaw bone during the day. Removing dentures at night allows the mouth to rest and relax. Additionally, dentures are not intended for 24-hour-a-day wear. They need to be removed daily and cleaned well. The gums also need to be gently brushed so bacteria do not accumulate.